Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from Photography By Nealy!  I hope you had a great 2010 and that 2011 is going to be even better.  🙂

I just wanted to say thank you to all of my clients for giving me the wonderful privilege of photographing your families.  I have absolutely loved every minute of taking your pictures; your business, kind words, and referrals have truly meant the world to me.  So thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone for the great opportunities you have given me.  I look forward to seeing you again in the future!

I am currently scheduling sessions starting February 2011 so please contact me to set something up!  Don’t let the  cold weather deter you…sessions can be done in my home studio or in your home for some cozy indoor pictures.  This is also a great time for pictures of your babies and young children.

And last but not least, here are some pictures of adorable little Simon that I photographed earlier this week.  Enjoy and Happy New Year!

email: hello@nealylanzen.com
phone: (651) 336-2424