My Babies | Twin Cities Maternity Photographer

There was one picture that I really wanted to have taken this pregnancy. It was my three kids with my (very) pregnant belly. At 39 weeks, I finally got around to getting it done, and I am glad that I didn’t go too early so we had time to get this shot!

I set-up the camera for my husband, and he took the picture of my kiddos and my 29-week-pregnant belly! Being the mom and photographer is not always an easy task. This is especially when I am in the photo. 🙂 But we made it quick, and relatively painless, for the kids.

Introducing my three (almost four!) babies: Clara (4), Cooper (1.5 but really in the “terrible twos” at age 1), and Callie (6).  And very soon, I will introduce the arrival of baby #4.

Stay tuned…
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phone: (651) 336-2424